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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


In developed countries have no rules of law regarding the protection of wildlife and wildlife explicitly reject serve as the star’s pet.
And this is a good place for native species (the country) as well as wildlife species from outside (the country), both caught in the wild or bred in captivity. The majority of people who obtain these animals are unable to provide the necessary habitat for wildlife.
How in your country? Just sharing stories about my country (Indonesia), which turned out to wildlife was common in the pet at home.
“Ah .. that’s right ….?” If the developed countries already have the rule of law, in Indonesia, there was already a law that prohibits protected wildlife preserve to be maintained.
and what about wild animals that are not protected? there is also no clear rules of law but there is also the rule of law on animal health and animal welfare, but the problem today is not just a rule of law only.
The problem that has not been answered because law enforcement is still half-hearted and education in our education system never taught about a sense of caring and pride of the rich biodiversity of Indonesia.
Is Keeping Wildlife In fact it makes it difficult or impossible?
Regardless of what the animal traders, reasonable maintenance for wildlife in desperate need of expertise, special facilities / special, and long-term dedication to wildlife. Nutrients and their social needs must be met.
And in many cases, these needs are not known by the public. Most \ wild animals has grown to be bigger, stronger, and more dangerous than expected / can be handled owners.
Small bobcat Ocelot and Bobcat are very dangerous, like a lion and a tiger for the children. Wild animals can also take part in endangering the health and human security through the spread of disease and parasites.
Baby Animals can Grow Big and Strong
Baby animals can be very packed baby cute-until it becomes big and strong without ever occurred to the owner. The attitude of the child dependency will be replaced by the instinct of animals adult animal that is bitten, scratched, or show a temperament damage without any provocation (because) or a warning, which is the behavior of animals that indeed they need to survive in its habitat.
The animals became too difficult to handle and eventually locked up in small cages, and circulated from one owner to another owner, or in another sense, be discarded. Not many nature reserves which have a reputation / facilities that can maintain wildlife with properly. In the end they could return to the trade of exotic animals.
Some may be returned to the wild that if they stay alive, they can disrupt the local ecosystem and local.
Wildlife Disease Spreading
Human environment are highly vulnerable to environmental Unlike animals, human habitation is the artificial environment that is protected by very stringent. From the very birth of human babies have got protection from the environment.
Children in large cities are generally born at the hospital in a room free of pests. They received the standard treatment that essentially keep the general treatment for children is not easy to get infections or contagious diseases.
In a certain period to get immunizations and routine health examination. For growth, the baby is getting extra nutrients and vitamins in addition to breast milk.
In short, a human baby is born full of very complete protection. Similarly with human habitation. Humans live in environments that intentionally move away from natural competition. From birth human beings have been living in the house, even in a protected room clean and comfortable.
In human history, whether it began when humans had to protect themselves by making the environment protected from rain, hot sun, the wind of the night, or plague attack. Man preparing himself for the far from natural.
That fact is enough to show that the real man is not ready to live in the wild. Man from the beginning was taught to fortify themselves in the face of threats that come directly from nature.
Unlike the wild animal from birth to large is always facing the threat. Only the strong face of threats that can survive and develop themselves. Fortress protection of human environment on the one hand was very strong and sturdy, but on the other hand is very fragile and vulnerable.
When raging, a substance that could be a disease not previously been known and all of a sudden entry in human life, from nowhere, even the simplest cause of a disease that will be very deadly, creating confusion and disaster for humans. In the history of mankind has a lot of things like this happen. 30′an the common cold in the last century into a large outbreak that claimed the lives of millions of people around the world.
HIV AIDS is terrible and bird flue, is one of the various diseases that attack humans and are thought to come from animals. Infectious diseases have mostly come from animals. In nature animals naturally build an anti-body which is always updated or she dies not able to survive. Likewise germs will always mutation himself if no longer able to attack the target’s body.
On the basis of this strong enough reasons, we answer the question, why we do not bring wild animals into our lives. In addition we may be unable to withstand the attack of diseases that may be carried by animals, or also because the seeds of disease carried by animals that previously had never known weapon that can not necessarily kill him. Even if he will be dealing with antibiotic that is not familiar though, it usually will easily build a system so that antibiotic resistance is no longer able to attack him.
This mechanism is very complicated but generally can be understood with very easy for everyone. That is why there was a very long recovery from illness than the flu even though he has spent the antibiotic drugs given by doctors.
There may be other reasons that precisely the opposite of the reason that the animals carry the disease to us. The experts suggested that we also carry the disease to animals. Some time ago of the research found that most of the orangutans who had reared by humans got TB germs infections (tuberculosis), possibly derived from human germs that are transmitted to the orangutan.
In addition to tuberculosis germs, the orangutan also can be infected with malaria and hepatitis. Further research needs to be done because we have not much to understand if there is an infection on the contrary, tuberculosis, hepatitis, or malaria from animals to humans, because it relates to the development of treatments that can be mastered by man today.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States (CDC, The Centers for Disease and Prevention) recommends not to touch / come into contact with wild animals because of simple reasons: they (wildlife) can carry diseases harmful to humans, like rabies , herpes B virus, and Salmonella. Herpes B virus is commonly found in macaque monkeys can be fatal to humans.
Thousands of people infected with Salmonella each year due to touch / direct contact with animals wildlife reptiles and amphibians, which makes the CDC suggests that these animals are not kept in homes with children younger than 5 years. Monkey pox (monkeypox) began to spread when an infected small mammals imported through illegal wildlife trade and infect small animals like squirrels / local rats, which also traded as pets.
They must remain in their habitat
Perhaps we can imagine how difficult it germs of disease, if he had to deal with humans. By all means man trying very hard to fight and kill disease-causing. Man found poison to kill the disease even though the poison eventually also be able to harm himself. But if the disease attacks wild animals, may not be a complex interaction, occurs naturally, the animal’s body will develop antibodies and natural defense mechanisms to cause disease are not able to survive longer and loses.
In such conditions the disease is usually not necessary or epidemic raged. In general, all the animals that survive have a tendency infected with germs. Bird flu is a virus that normally found in wild ducks.
Animal body’s defense mechanisms and the ability of germs living in the animal’s body to create a balance so as not to cause diseases which worsen the situation. Some bacteria like E coli that live in the human colon is a clear example, which one day could be dangerous germs if the human body could no longer keep his balance.
For that reason we can also understand why wild animals to stay there and live in their own habitat. Let them stay in his world. Wilderness. They can still interact with their own germs, and as with the existing natural balance, germs can continue to grow in its habitat in the wildlife body properly without having to threaten human life.
Man has the function to actively manage the balance of nature. Of course we can not give the ball field area of forest habitat for orangutans. Moreover, there are sun bears in it, there are various species birds and other animals.
Or imagine if in the woods there is an elephant or a tiger. Tiger home ranges can reach hundreds of km2. Provided habitat for wildlife is a conservation area. Conservation area that is wide enough in the form of National Parks. In the area of wildlife makes it possible to move freely, multiply, and interact with other animals.
In Sumatra, the technical term wildlife conflicts with humans. Indeed wildlife are the victim of the conflict between humans. Human need for land has never stopped. With the establishment of large paper mills and raw materials which require greater. Many of the wildlife habitat area must be a victim to meet human needs. When the forest as wildlife habitat for grabs, and wildlife will be driven into residential areas. For this reason many people defend wild animals so that they receive appropriate protection and habitat.
Wild animals can not help themselves
One reason for that is also difficult to accept but enough to have a very strong reason is, that wild animals could not help himself. Therefore humans have the awareness and ability to think should be able to give assistance and help to save wildlife. Keeping wild animals at home or at the zoo might be said as an act of rescue. But certainly not worth saving by maintaining in a cage with wild animals in their habitat to save themselves. Wild animals do not need to be helped if it already exists in the habitat.
Rescuing wild animals in the zoo or at home than on the health risk, too costly. People always link between the rescue animals at the zoo with making money out of exposing animals to the general public. Even the many sponsors who later joined fund to finance the cost of maintenance through the adoption program.
Because the cost of maintenance of wildlife is very expensive, so if juxtaposed between revenue with costs that must be removed often not be comparable. Revenue from the show at a cost that must be spent for maintenance is never balanced.
Hence the reason why the Jakarta administration should stay out subsidies for the cost of animal care at the Zoo.
But often we hear that the business sale and purchase of wildlife was very tempting. This business involves the people who have a lot of money. Wildlife trade is also a prestige business as that carried prestige associated with the buyers.
The collector is said wildlife is usually a high-ranking officials or big business. Although may be suspicious that the zoo or the like can be a provider agency wildlife trading, but the last bastion rescue wildlife after habitat loss is indeed the only zoos and other institutions are similar.
At the zoo wildlife can be properly maintained, can become the object of research, also could be the object of the show. In fact more and more and more wildlife habitat is reduced. In the markets more and more diverse species and types of animals sold. It turned out that buying and selling wild animals is still very crowded and the price could not be reached by ordinary people.
Because wildlife is the nation’s wealth held by the state, may also if one day our wildlife that is second to none in the world, used as a commodity whose price is also the nation second to none. Of course, through a very careful consideration.
As China treats Panda as wildlife is second to none in the world for the means of diplomacy which of course can not be matched by any other nation.
Being Domestic (Domestic and Maintained Familiar Man) Need Thousand Years
Wild animals do not become tame and accustomed to humans maintained by simply being born in captivity or assisted by human growth. Unlike dogs and cats, which has become a domestic with a selective breeding in thousands of years to get the desired properties. These special animals (cat or dog) depend on humans for food, shelter, veterinary care of, and affection.
While wild animals, by nature, provided for itself and people would rather not intervene. Temperament of wild animals instinct makes him unfit to be a pet.
Capturing Life They Threaten Wildlife
When wild-caught animals to be domesticated animals, they started suffering from catching it – every year thousands of birds and reptiles have died on the way toward the shop animals.
Even after you buy it, their lives are usually filled with misery. Even if they survive, they would be miserable living in a small cage in the backyard or around endlessly in a small cage or aquarium. Generally, they fall ill or die because their owners are unable to provide habitat requirements / maintain them properly. Wildlife trade in the world continue to threaten the life / existence of several species in their natural habitat.
Has any animal as a pet means having a responsibility to provide maintenance and wildlife needs appropriately.
Where in terms of wildlife, meet this responsibility is usually impossible. In the end, humans, animals, and environment to bear the consequences. (By admin IPPL: the quotes from various sources)

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